Presentation of multi-disciplined plan for a healthier L.A.

Gayle Haberman, Director, Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Development, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is pleased to announce that the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) for Los Angeles County is now available at:

The CHIP is a five-year strategic plan for the Department of Public Health and community stakeholders to collectively improve the health of all community members. This plan serves as a health improvement agenda that partners from different sectors (e.g. health, education, housing, transportation) can use as a framework for collaboration. The CHIP establishes 10 goals and sets quantifiable targets for improvement in key areas including a reduction in obesity rates, air pollution, violence, and traffic-related injuries, as well as an increase in high school graduation rates and access to safe, quality affordable housing.

Please join the Department of Public Health as we present the CHIP and discuss how we can work together to achieve a healthier Los Angeles County by the year 2020.

Save the Date! November 20, 2015, 9 am – noon

St. Anne’s Conference Center, 155 N. Occidental Blvd., Los Angeles 90026

Please see the attached ‘Save the Date’. We will send out additional information for the November 20th meeting in upcoming weeks.

Public Health is grateful to our many community partners who shared their expertise and commitment with us to develop the CHIP. We look forward to seeing you on November 20th and to partnering with you over the next several years to jointly make a difference in the health of Los Angeles County!

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