Los Angeles Animals Services is sending out an urgent plea to folks calling for fosters.
July 4th weekend is the busiest time of the year for the shelters. The shelters are packed and when the 4th hits, many panicked dogs and cats break out of their yards. The shelters pick them up but this means they have to make room for all these new incoming residents. So, sadly, the current
 residents are euthanized to make room for the new. It is a sad horrible situation that happens every single year. So, this year, the shelters are asking for people to foster an animal for 4-5 days until after the 4th. This is a wonderful plan and if you can take in dog for a few days, you'll be saving a life. Please consider fostering for just a few days! If your unable to foster, then please, please, be responsible owners and make arrangements to safeguard your pet. DO NOT LEAVE THEM ALONE IN YOUR YARD! Keep them safe with you in the house. If your leaving for the 4th then make arrangements to have them boarded or a sitter come into your home. Here are just a few examples of dogs that need out immediately:
One is the dog that Jeff Fox posted "Gigantic Friendly Dog" last week: His ID# A1636049. He is still at Lacy Street and is in danger of being euthanized any time since no one has claimed him. He will surely be on of the first to be put down. We also have little Baxter, listed below, that needs out. So, please folks, consider a foster, for just a few days! Download a foster application:
LAAnimalServices.com/shelters. Our closest shelter is Northcentral. Call (888) 452-7381 for questions.

For more info on how to care for your fur-babies over the 4th, click here.

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