Chemical-free gardening is impossible? Think again

Although the origin of this article isn't Silver Lake, still a lot of good info for us natural gardeners.

Whoever said you can’t go chemical-free and pest-free at the same time surely lacks perspective. Yes, chemicals are quick remedies to common gardening problems, but there are actually much cheaper and chemical-free solutions. Pesticides are no good – you probably know that much. What you probably don’t know yet are the actual risks they pose to your family, your pets and the environment. Just how dangerous are pesticides? According to, of the 30 most commonly used pesticides, 19 are listed carcinogenic, 13 are linked with birth defects, 21 with reproductive issues, 15 with neurotoxicity, 26 with liver and kidney dysfunction, 27 are considered irritants and 11 may cause endocrine system problems – the list does not end there. Pregnant women, infants, children, elderly people and the chronically-ill are reported to be at highest risk of pesticide-related illnesses. And since pesticides are designed to be toxic, your pets are at great risk as well. Exposure to these chemicals can cause abnormalities, cancer and even death to non-target species. Learn more about harmful pesticides and their dangers here. Go greener with gardening by going pesticide-free.

Here are just some of the tips that would work. Grow the right plants. There are certain kinds of plants to which pests are less attracted. And by mulching and watering regularly, you can prevent pests from coming to raze your plants. Check if the creature is harmful. Not all animals that crawl, hover or run around your precious plants are garden wreckers. Aphids, ants, ticks, fleas, cockroaches, moths, beetles, mice, mites, slugs are just some of those harmful ones. So before you hit the spray, be sure to check if the creature is really wrecking your garden. Predatory mites and lady bugs, for example, feed on other insects like aphids, thrips and spider mites.

Invite backyard buddies. A pesticide-free garden attracts backyard buddies, which in turn, can help your garden.

• Birds like honeyeaters, spinebills and other parrots would love to feast on insects that are ravaging your garden. Attract them by planting grevilleas and trees with edible fruits.

• Lady bugs, lacewings and praying mantises feed on aphids and other garden wreckers. These insects are naturally attracted to long-blooming perennials.

• Toads and frogs can be a little gross but they can be your plants’ best friends. If you can afford it, build up an artificial marsh or shallow habitats to attract frogs to your garden. They especially feed on mosquitoes among other insects.

• Not everybody is a fan but spiders can wipe out harmful garden insects more than birds, lady bugs or frogs can. In a word, they are the good guys in your garden. Attract them in by growing lush bushes and mulches.

Use aromatic and other strong-smelling plants. Aromatherapy is truly a versatile natural remedy. Intersperse your garden with aromatic or strong-smelling flower or herbs such as basil, peppermint, rosemary, marigold, lavender, chilli pepper, lemon, etc. The strong smell puts off most pests.

Crop rotation. If you own a veggie patch, split it up into 2 to 4 beds. Rotate your crops to maximise yield as it helps to minimise pests and diseases as well as increase soil fertility. Economise your space by using string-lines. This would also give you a better view of your gardening and make weeding and watering less of a hassle.

Keep it clear. Keep your rank grass out of sight. Get rid of rotting timbers and/or sheets of iron. Doing so will at least discourage pests from inhabiting your garden. Put up barriers. If the pest-epidemic is becoming way out of control, put up fences, traps and baits. But if all else fails, use an organic spray.

About Jimstrees: Jim’s Trees: is a successful franchise born out of the expertise of our arborists who use their skill and knowledge to deliver customized tree pruning, stump grinding, tree removal, mulching and other tree care solutions through franchisees across Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Canada.

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